News from the Ouachita's

The crazy ramblings of a middle aged woman who is slowly going out of her mind.

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Location: hamburg, arkansas, United States

I left the work force in '99 to stay home and care for my disabled husband. Being essentially retired at such a young age has brought about several emotional changes and I have found the peace so many seek. Should anyone read my post perhaps they too can find a little peace of mind.

Monday, March 06, 2006

New Chicks

We have new baby chicks. There were two hens sitting when the ice storm came and one left her nest and teamed up with the other and by golly they hatched out seven yesterday. While they were sitting other hens stopped in and laid also so there are 14 leftover eggs. One hen is still sitting on eggs while one is on chicks and then they switch off. They sure have it going on. I moved them from the nest boxes which are open to a cage with security. Those chicks are just too cute and so small; but then the eggs are only slightly bigger than a marble. Katie is still chasing Roscoe the rooster but not as bad. Hopefully she will grow out of this but, I doubt it.


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