News from the Ouachita's

The crazy ramblings of a middle aged woman who is slowly going out of her mind.

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Location: hamburg, arkansas, United States

I left the work force in '99 to stay home and care for my disabled husband. Being essentially retired at such a young age has brought about several emotional changes and I have found the peace so many seek. Should anyone read my post perhaps they too can find a little peace of mind.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas week

Wow, what a week. Carolers came by one evening (and by carolers I’m talking 25-30 people) and sang to husband thru his window. It was very moving. They also gave us a can of homemade goodies, all kinds of goodies. As if I needed more sweets. With my current life style I’m just amazed I can still get my butt thru the door. But I digress, back too an incredible week. We were given some ham by one of husband’s aunts. It was good, but then a ham showed up that was awesome. Who ever smoked it knew what they were doing plus it hadn’t had a bunch of water added like the store bought ones sometimes have. It was by far the best ham I have had in years; and it was huge. It got here in time for me to share it with husband’s attendant and then he stopped and shared some of his with another family. Remember the old story about the fishes and loaves? I have no problem believing that story as impossible as it may seem. Husband was blessed with a new TV and we were able to return the neighbors to her. Bless her heart, she loaned us her only TV. We received a new coffee pot which was sorely needed. The old one still worked but it had this river of water that ran out the side while it was brewing. I don’t think it’s normal to have to keep a washcloth next to the coffeepot. Speaking of washcloths, we received a dozen washcloths and half a dozen towels. Boy was I glad to see them. We are far enough into this adventure where things are starting to wear out and I can’t replace them myself. I have said it before and I’m saying it again, this is the greatest Hood in the world. I can’t imagine anyone feeling more cared for than we do nestled here in the Ouachita’s .


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