News from the Ouachita's

The crazy ramblings of a middle aged woman who is slowly going out of her mind.

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Location: hamburg, arkansas, United States

I left the work force in '99 to stay home and care for my disabled husband. Being essentially retired at such a young age has brought about several emotional changes and I have found the peace so many seek. Should anyone read my post perhaps they too can find a little peace of mind.

Monday, January 01, 2007

I'm Back

As we approach the new year it's hard not to reflect back on the events of this year. 2006 was a mixture of extreme sadness to total joy. It has been difficult to start posting again but the time is now right. A lot has happened since my last post; too much to try to catch up with all at once. Let's just say we are thankful to still be here...and sane, 4 chicks hatched out Tuesday and today (Sat.) she had them out and about. I have built a make shift chicken coop on the slab that had been used to stack cedar planks. It isn't much but it keeps them safe and dry and being on concrete it's easy to clean. The crocus and jonquils have poked their little heads out of the ground.

The last few months would not have been as tolerable without the love and support of friends, neighbors, and family. Without their love and support, I don't know if I'd have come through this life changing event with my sanity in tact. To all I offer my heart felt thanks and wish for you the blessings you truly deserve for your unselfish acts. Thank-you.